Wednesday, August 26, 2015

yeah, right, it's for your friend!

yup, that would be a bowl of plain white rice. 

the very nice lady in the farmácia valiantly suppressed a smile while demonstrating her understanding of what i had just asked for......communication after all, is the transmission of information followed by confirmation of receipt and understanding of such......and in a foreign language there can be many pitfalls.  embarazada can signify pregnant in castillian but embarrassed in latin american spanish.  a so called "falso amigo", albeit one that could have both meanings at once  :-)

"falso conejo" on the other hand isn't a rabbit at all, but a bolivian beef dish.  oh, and that reminds me, don't mix up conejo and cojones, but i digress.

chris has been largely absent from this blog recently because he has been working day and night on an overdue project.  with the 6 hour time difference the plan was to work from 12 noon to 2000 every day to coincide more or less with the office hours in the states, but after a week or so he began to work from when he got up till when we ate dinner, meaning 0900 to 2200, clearly an unsustainable effort which is affecting his physical health.

so, "no more than 5 pills a day, plenty water and nothing but white rice till your stomach settles."  she wasn't having my suggestion that i make him some paella.  not exactly the renowned barcelona cuisine we came for.

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